Current regulation
Pursuant to the Legislative Decree dated 28th May 2012 n. 69 and Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies - 8 may 2014– Provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority (published in the sulla gazzetta Ufficiale/Official Journal n. 126 dated 3rd June 2014) it is mandatory to inform and obtain the user’s consent to use cookies on websites.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text file that are deposited on your computer or device when you visit the site, and allow to store informations about online activities. They will be removed automatically when expired; some cookies expire at the end of your internet session.
Why do we use cookies?
We use cookies to ensure your visit to our website is as pleasant as possible. Through cookies we can improve our website, to make it more pleasant and easy to navigate.
Which type of cookies do we use?
Required Cookies: are essential and help you navigate, move around on the website and see certain features.
No cookie?
We explain you how to manage, verify and delete cookies from your device, depending on browser that you use:
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome: